Works of Allart

Peek into the Mind and Talents of Allart Jensen


​Emails, Landing Pages, and Social Network Graphics also have their own stories to sell.


Vivid and Expressive art is what I excel at. I love using color to bring out details and emotion.

Book Covers

Blending, photo manipulation, color correction, and more

Cover Work

The best compliment I ever received was in regards to how someone could come up with an idea and I'd make it a reality. That's why most of the covers I've created were once nothing more then a fleeting thought. While there is no specific genre I stick to, I do put a lot of effort on producing LGBTQ+ and People of Color inclusive covers. You can find more at the publisher I use:

And More

So much more...

Top Traits


  • Tech-savvy autodidact who learns new skills quickly
  • Flexible, adaptable, and open to change
  • Fluid and able to work as part of a team or solo, as needed


  • Loyal to brand aesthetics and style
  • Keen attention to details
  • Resourceful with graphic composition, typography, and color theory


  • Curious and driven to learn
  • Hands-on problem solver
  • Researches and experiments to produce eye-catching visuals


  • Empathetic and relatable communicator
  • Positive attitude and drama deterrent
  • Strives to help others through  feedback and sharing insights

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